What It’s Like To Work With Me

I work with clients face-to-face, over video conferencing, and by phone. Of course, now that we have to maintain physical distancing to keep each other and our loved ones safe, we’ll forego direct meetings in favor of the remote options.

When we meet, you will see if I am someone you would like to work with, and we will define our goals and outcomes. If business partners are part of the coaching process, I meet individually with each partner and then meet with all partners together in a follow up meeting.

Everything I do is completely customized to you, your personality, your leadership style, your organizational culture and goals.

Together we amplify your impact; find where the blocks and obstacles are, identify the best opportunities, and figure out how to move forward with your talent and experience. We find out together what works, what needs to change, and how to make this change happen.

Want to learn more? Schedule a complimentary discovery session.